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#define pTYPEMASK  0x00FF  /* type mask to get just type of poly */
#define pSELECT    0x8000  /* is object selected? */
#define pOUTLINE   0x4000  /* outlined polygon using DotModeSide to
                           ** determine when to not connect a line.
                           ** ex. 0 draws on all sides, 1 will draw on
                           ** everyother side, 2 will leave every second
                           ** side blank, 3 will every third side
                           ** blank, etc. */
#define pBACKDROP  0x2000  /* polygon will be dropped into the background
                           ** during animation. */
#define pMSKBITMAP 0x1000  /* bitmap has a mask */