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**	$Filename: exec/resident.h $
**	$Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**	$Revision: 36.8 $
**	$Date: 90/11/01 $
**	Resident/ROMTag stuff.	Used to identify and initialize code modules.
**	(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include "exec/types.h"
#endif /* EXEC_TYPES_H */

struct Resident {
    UWORD rt_MatchWord;	/* word to match on (ILLEGAL)	*/
    struct Resident *rt_MatchTag; /* pointer to the above	*/
    APTR  rt_EndSkip;		/* address to continue scan	*/
    UBYTE rt_Flags;		/* various tag flags		*/
    UBYTE rt_Version;		/* release version number	*/
    UBYTE rt_Type;		/* type of module (NT_XXXXXX)	*/
    BYTE  rt_Pri;		/* initialization priority */
    char  *rt_Name;		/* pointer to node name	*/
    char  *rt_IdString;	/* pointer to identification string */
    APTR  rt_Init;		/* pointer to init code	*/

#define RTC_MATCHWORD	0x4AFC	/* The 68000 "ILLEGAL" instruction */

#define RTF_AUTOINIT	(1<<7)	/* rt_Init points to data structure */
#define RTF_AFTERDOS	(1<<2)
#define RTF_SINGLETASK	(1<<1)
#define RTF_COLDSTART	(1<<0)

/* Compatibility: (obsolete) */
/* #define RTM_WHEN	   3 */
#define RTW_NEVER	0

#endif	/* EXEC_RESIDENT_H */